For all curl types
Kinky, Coily, Wavy >>> It does not matter. With our product line we want to create the best products for all curl types.
STEP 1: The Cleanse products are made for all the curl types. Choose what your hair needs.
STEP 2: The Condition products are made for all the curl types. Choose which conditioner your hair needs. A quick treatment or a more intense one.
STEP 3: Here there is a difference between the curl types. Use the Extra loving leave-in conditioner together with the Magical Flaxseed Gel if you have a type 2 or 3
Use the Heavy Cream together with the Magical Fkaxseed Gel if you have a type 4.
The Heavy Cream can also be used if you have a type 3 hair and your hair is very dry.
Use the protein version of the Heavy Cream if your hair is damaged.